
We are Golden Sponsor of code.talks!

More than 1500 people put a fat, red mark around the 29th and 30th of September 2016. hy, too, couldn't say no to the combination of popcorn, code and interesting as well as international speaker. Code.talks is easily the biggest class reunion of the developer scene in europe and was realised for the sixth time in hamburg. Because hamburg is hy’s birth place and because we cherish the connection of software developer, we wanted to support the event as a sponsor. 


Two days filled with talks from different subjects like Big Data, E-Commerce, IT-Management and infrastructure and an entertainment program that shouldn't bore anyone. Among other things the testing of VR glasses, drones and escape games. The perfect context to socialise and to exchange ideas about a topic. 


It was a great experience and we definitely be there again. Thank you code.talks and see you again on the 28th and 29th of September 2017! 

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