To be completely honest, we don't have any influence on what cards life deals out. What we have influence on though, is what we do with the cards. The same applies to the tasks that are assigned by the employer. They might look like much and stress is inevitable. The most professional people, and also the nerds at school, who we secretly were envious of, have one thing in common: they master the art of working productively.
Pull the plug on infinite to-do lists, unanswered E-mails and long hours. “Work smarter, not harder” is our motto! But how? Explaned in six easy Tipps.
Getting up on the right side of the bed
Productivity starts with the second you open your eyes in the morning. People who start there day stressful, tend to stay unproductive throughout the day. Don’t set your alarm 5 minutes before the bus leaves, but take your time to properly wake up. Maybe working out in the morning is the perfect thing for you to do? If that doesn’t work for you, try meditating for 10 minutes every day with the Headspace App (hy approved). Create a routine for yourself, to prepare your mind and your body for the day.
Sleep more
Let’s be honest, we know it all. “I’ll just check facebook really quick” can easily lead to an hour of senseless scrolling. Something of that sort usually happens at night, when we should be asleep already. Make sure you sleep at least 7, best 9 hours a day. You’ll notice how much more happy, productive and less prone for illnesses you are. Try it, Sleep works wonders!
Allot time
Ever heard of the Comodoro-Method? No? It’s a system for arranging time for work and pauses in the intervals 50 - 10 or 25 - 5 - 25 - 5. After 100 minutes of work you should have a bigger break of about 30 minutes. This is how you stay focussed and know how much time a certain task will take. And don't deceive yourself, amply with the pauses.
Create a to-do list with deadline, that is realistic. Be as precise as possible and assign priorities to every task. It is very tempting to pay attention to an upcoming idea but it’s better to write it down than to work on it immediately. We can recommend a great new tool for project management: “Agganty”.
Social media + emails
As hard as it sounds, but try not to check any emails in the first hour of working. Social media is also a really big productivity killer. You loose yourself quickly in the digital world and boom - times over and you haven't accomplished anything! Switch your mobile phone to silent, so you don’t get distracted.
No Man
Things can easily get too much, when you undertake more than you can handle. Sometimes you just have to say no. If you do that, you can give the tasks you have to fulfil 110%.
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