Technology, Entertainment, and Design - We all know the beloved TED Talks, that probably are the only educational videos we find on our facebook feed shared by all of our friends. The first TED Event in 1984 was a big fail and didn’t even make any money. Just six years after the world was ready for the wonder that TED should bring.
I’m sure you know the most popular Talk “How School kills Creativity” by Ken Robinson. But in those 2,500+ Talks out there, there sure are a few that make the developer part of your heart jump. So we filtered and filtered and watched TED Talks for days to find the best ones for you.
So here they are! Enjoy!
Tim Berners-Lee: A Magna Charta for the Web
We all know Tim Berners-Lee, the Dad of the internet. In his TED Talk, he explains the potential and the challenge of the world wide web. He talks about net neutrality, so-called filter bubbles, and web control.
What kind of internet do we want to have and how do we make it our friend and not our enemy?
Thomas Suarez: A 12-Year-Old App Developer
Did you ever think you’re too young, too old or too inexperienced to start programming? Maybe this 12-year-old boy can turn your world upside down. With a lot of motivation and a good dash of cleverness, he managed to make multiple apps at such a young age.
Excuses couldn’t stop him, so why should they stop you?
Linus Torvalds: The Mind Behind Linux
Here’s a TED Talk for you, that isn’t a talk, but an interview with the infamous man behind Linux. This 21 minutes long video perfectly presents his motivation and attitude, that made him the engineer and Open Source advocate that he is now.
Eric Topol: The wireless future of medicine
In 2009, when Topol gave this controversial talk, he predicted, that smartphones will soon monitor our vital signs like the heartbeat, blood pressure, sleep pattern and calorie intake. He also predicted that this development in smartphone usage would make tools like the stethoscope obsolete. Today, with the Apple Watch and Apple Health we made these prognoses real. His talk perfectly explains how the connection of wireless technology with medicine will continuously get better and of more prominent use.
Richard St. John: The 8 Secrets of Success
To make it short: The keyword is passion, work, good, focus, drive, service, ideas and persist. If you want details, you should still watch Richard St. John’s talk - we know you’ve got 4 minutes! Maybe it could help you to bring your career as a developer to the next level.
George Dyson: The Birth of the Computer
This easily digestible, 17 minutes long TED Talk by historical George Dyson outlines the history of computers, starting in the 1600s to today's madness.
Nick Bostrom: What Happens When Our Computers Get Smarter Than We Are?
In this TED Talk Bostrom deals with the idea of superhuman AI and stimulates us to think. How do we want to prepare for a world that is “ruled by computers”? Will our creations be disadvantageous in the long term?
Jay Silver: Hack a Banana, Make a Keyboard!
Inventor Jay Silver is a child at heart and inspires us to play and be creative with the world around us. Why not make music with ketchup? Or use slices of pizza as remote?
In his talk, he shares his craziest inventions with us, like the Makey Makey-Kit, that helps him to hack things of our everyday life.
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