Books - those who haven’t jumped on the bandwagon yet, probably hoped they would never have to be in contact with books ever again after school and uni days. They will only be endured as an audiobook at most. Fact is that books won’t just help you acquire knowledge, they will also help you improve your vocabulary and your language skills. We promise these carefully selected books will bring a few Eureka moments and maybe, just maybe, we see you hopped on the wagon, first class, with a book in your hand.
So here we go: Here are the best books for the best developer.
Books for beginners
“Head first Programming”
Head first Programming published by O’Reilly is the book for an introduction to the programming world. The necessary basics are explained pictorial on 440 pages, leaving your brain very satisfied. On the first few pages, you will find an orientation guide, an explanation on text files, functions and commands follow in chapter 2 and 3. For the last part, it’s getting pretty nerdy: for example the sorting of data and graphics interface.
Image Credit: oreilly.de
“Eloquent JavaScript” - Marijn Haverbeke
This book is perfect for beginners as well, and above all, it can be read online. The first part of the book deals with the basics of JavaScript, the second part explains how JavaScript is used in Browsers, and the last part is dedicated to Node.js. Check it out; it doesn’t hurt!
Image Credit: Thalia.de
Books for advanced programmers
Clean Code - Robert C Martin
For many programmers, this book counts as one of the most important ones. After finishing this book you’ll know how important it is to write clean code, and we swear, you won’t look back to a time before Clean Code. From naming variables to code testing. This book explains everything you need to know to improve your code drastically.
Image Credit: oreilly.de
2. “The pragmatic programmer” by Andrew Hunt and David Thomas
Should you already have researched a little bit, this book would’ve come across you multiple times. We hate to exaggerate but you will love this book so much that you will read it twice and buy it for your unlikable colleague. This book covers everything you won’t find in IT studies or any algorithm handbook. How can you be a developer who doesn’t only write down his code emotionless? The pragmatic developer will tell you about special skills of the developer and how to learn them.
Image Credit: Amazon.de
Books for specialists
Programming Elixir - Dave Thomas
This book is an introduction to the programming language Elixir for advanced developers. To master, Elixir gives you the possibility to step a foot on the world of functional programming. Elixir is fun and makes you want to experiment. We think the exercises are well put together and integrated with the information. Should Elixir interest you, this is the book for you! Dave Thomas also co-wrote “The pragmatic programmer”. So should you like the style of writing of that book, you will probably like this one too.
Image Credit: Amazon.de
Go Programming Blueprints
This book helps you write smart but simple code. You will manage to learn skills that can help you with your personal projects. Go is the language of the internet and the recent version comes with a few changes that this book explains perfectly. So, what are you waiting for?
Image Credit: hugendubel.de
This is it, our favorite books for developers. Did we miss anything?
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