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Created by software developers. Shaped by product managers. Characterised by humans. hy.


We know the difference between product development and individual development. We know how important transparent communication is and we understand how essential maintainable and scalable code is.


Your job is our job.

What do you do differently than other recruiters?

How do you find the right job for me?

Why do you only do development?

What companies do you have in your portfolio?

What does it cost me as developer and how does it work contract wise?

What about the security of my data?

Where do you see yourself?

We started as junior, made it across a path of trial and tribulation, fell, stood up and wear sunglasses by now. Again and again.
You’ve just made every mistake you can make. Keep going. You’re going the right way.
Other devs treat you like you code for the first time? See it as challenge and let yourself in for it. You can only grow.
Give others the chance to go their way. Keep your own focus in sight and share your experience. That makes you a lead.